Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Funny Notepad Tricks and Hacks

Ever thought about Notepad pranks with some tricks and tips? No, okay lets start then.. As most of you will be familiar that Notepad, which is the default program of Windows uses as simple text editor in which a user can edit their text,change font size, colour and do much more things in notepad. Do you know that you can do some tricks with notepad like you can make fake virus, can show fake error messages, lock folder using notepad. Here are some notepad tricks and hacks.

Matrix Effect Trick:

This trick is called Matrix trick.The reason behind it is the movie.Matrix is a hollywood movie which was released in 1999 and this trick is inspired by the the movie “Matrix” in which same trick was shown.So lets make the trick
1.Open your notepad and copy below code
@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start
2.Save your notepad file as Matrix.bat
3.Now run the file and enjoy.

Fake Error Message Notepad Trick:

1.Open notepad and type below code
X=Msgbox(“Message Here”,0+16,”Fake Message Here”)
2.Put your fake message above where i wrote “Fake Message Here”.
3.Now make your to save file with extension .vbs otherwise it will not work.
4.Open the file and it will show you a fake error with your message.

Shut Down Pc Without Error Trick:

This trick will shut down your computer without any warning.For it just save the file and when you open it,It will shut down your pc without any message or warning
1.Open your notepad and type below code
@echo off
echo Do you wana crash your computer? (y/n)
echo Are you sure? (y/n)
echo your computer will crash when the time reaches zero.
msg * Your computer will crash in…
msg * 5
msg * 4
msg * 3
msg * 2
msg * 1
msg * Good-Bye
msg * Error system not found! ;)
shutdown -s -t 00 
Note: For making a Rabbit Virus check my previous post below:

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